Barges at Hammersmith Bridge 2
15th October 2023
Here are the movements for the barges this week at Hammersmith Bridge:
Monday OR Tuesday will see the rig moving on the southern arch to a slightly new location. Then on Wednesday it will go up to Chiswick and down to Putney before being installed south of the bridge on the Southern side again (this movement is to allow it to pass under the bridge as the legs have to be taken off and re-installed).
Drilling Rig Location
Support Barge location
Guard Boats
Monday 16/10 and / or
Tuesday 17/10
Moves from South Upstream to another position on South upstream
not clear which day move will be
Supports Rig movements
Barge remains moored off AK/Furnivall
2 x Supporting barge movements
Safety boat present
Barge movements use the slack water of high tide which is predicted at 16:19 to 17:24 depending on the day
Arch 3 closed - Use ISZ inside the yellow disc under the main arch.
If ISZ is blocked by barge movements turn back (should not exceed 30 minutes or so) until clear to pass
Wednesday 18/10
Moves from South Upstream
South Downstream
Barge will move the rig up to Chiswick and then back to Putney in the fairway before alighting back at HB on South side - Down stream
2 x Supporting barge movements
Safety boat present
If Arch 3 closed, use ISZ inside the yellow disc under the main arch
If ISZ is blocked by barge movements turn back (should not exceed 30 minutes or so) until clear to pass
Thursday 19/10
Southern Arch, Downstream
Arch 3 closed
Moored downstream between Harrods Depositary buoy and the bridge, on the edge of that fairway.
1 x moored upstream
1 x downstream of rig
Arch 3 closed - Use ISZ inside the yellow disc under the main arch
Friday 20/10
Saturday 21/10
FYI - Works are currently planned to finish early the following week - more to follow on that as I get it.
Safety Adviser | TRRC