Barnes Bridge Arch #1 Closure
22nd June 2022
To carry out the last part of construction of the footpath under No.1 (Middlesex) arch of Barnes Bridge the arch will again be completely closed to navigation. For reference, click this link for the relevant NtM – U6 of 2022
The navigation for rowing boats while the arch is closed can be found here. This navigation was agreed with the PLA when the arch was closed during the piling works back in August last year. Please make sure all steers are aware of the navigation pattern and that crews navigate with care in the vicinity of Barnes Bridge. In particular, no rowing at race pace should take place while navigating the Barnes Bridge.
Update 9th July
Many of you may well be aware of an anchor that has appeared at Barnes Bridge (see photo below). The PLA have confirmed the anchor is in position for when the footbridge is put in position on the 21st/22nd July. Please make sure your club members are aware of this hazard which I hope will be removed asap after the footbridge has been installed.