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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

End of Season do

28th August 2021

In a change to our usual End of Season event at a local hostelry, a 'Beer Festival' and Hog Roast were instead enjoyed on the boathouse lawn over the weekend. However, one tradition that didn't change were the club awards which this year were presented to...

Congratulations to Mustafa Ozyurt, awarded the Wally Wheldal Cup for sportsmanship and endeavour as the clubman of the year for his huge efforts this season in bringing the club community back together and reuniting us all in response to the pandemic around the clubhouse and in the bar. Many of us have really benefited from Mustafa's efforts, reinjecting life and social spirit after a very difficult period impacting on life at the club. Thank you Mustafa for all that you have done in demonstrating the Cygnet Spirit.

Congratulations to Rower of the Year, Matthew Gutteridge, awarded the J P Jeffries Cup, for his exemplary development as a rower and for representing Cygnet competitively across a range of disciplines in Regatta this summer, with a really positive commitment to the training programme and an excellent racing season. You can be hugely proud of your rowing achievements with us this season and I very much hope more to celebrate in the year ahead.

Special rowing commendations went to Ross Stewart (last year's rower of the year) for his achievements and success in the single scull again this season. And to Gareth Furby for his participation alongside the squad and development during squad outings this season and the significant improvements in the coached land and water sessions. Congratulations to both Ross and Gareth.

A big thank you to our wonderful team of coaches for all their hard efforts and dedication with us this season and to all the committed volunteers behind the scenes, around the boathouse and on the hard who keep us running as a club and a community making the successful and welcoming club that we are: thank you to you all.

And lastly a special mention to Cris who was celebrated as outgoing Captain and awarded a special Cygnet blade for all his efforts over the last three seasons.

Frothy stuff


Shiny stuff


Mustafa (Wally Wendal Cup) and Matthew (JP Jeffries Cup)


The chairman and outgoing captain


Cris receiving a special trophy for his 3 years a captain


Cris celebrating in his usual style
