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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

Sculling Camp

Sculling Camp (a.k.a. S'camp) is a bi-annual club event where we relocate to Hamhaugh Island at Shepperton to enjoy the fantastic opportunity afforded us by 'Cygnets' bungalow to spend the weekend focusing on sculling on great water, with (hopefully) lovely weather at this great location near Shepperton Lock.

For the uninitiated Sculling Camp provides a great opportunity for novice scullers to learn (and be taught) in an environment less daunting than the Tideway, for experienced scullers to enjoy the great water and hone their skills and for everyone to enjoy a BBQ and a beer by the river.

Dates and prices for the next Sculling Camp are shown on the adjacent application form.

Who can come on Sculling camp?

Sculling Camp is open to all Cygnet and BBLRC members new and old including WAGs, HABs and children (sorry but under18s aren't allowed on the water during S'camp)

What is the timetable?

• Saturday
Safety briefing at 10.30am to cover general logistics, safety procedures and navigation in the area, followed by everyone going out in singles and doubles, some for the first time. Plenty of experienced folk will be on hand to help beginners and take them through the basics of gaining confidence and stability before being let loose on the water. This is followed by lunch, more sculling, then a customary BBQ and a few cheeky beers going on into the evening.

• Sunday
More sculling, more coaching, brunch and a late paddle prior to a general tidy up, de-rigging and heading back to the club mid-afternoon.

What kit is required

• Normal rowing kit (several changes are recommended)
• A towel!
• Warm clothes for the evening
• Sleeping bag (even if you're not camping)
• Camping gear (if you're not inside)
• Rigger-jigger

Can I stay overnight at the bungalow?

Yes. It's not called camp for nothing and if you do decide to stay overnight (recommended) then you may need to bring a tent etc as beds inside are very limited, although there are two sofas and some floor space. The Bungalow has a shower, toilets and kitchen facilities

What is included in the price?

See the adjacent application form for current prices.

Quite a bargain frankly, although booze is not included in the price so please bring your own or cash for whip.

Any surplus made from Sculling Camp go towards the upkeep of the bungalow.

Where is the bungalow?

All the details for the bungalow can be found here

Help required

Sculling Camp is a club event, therefore we need lots of help from volunteers before and afterwards. Boats are de-rigged and loaded onto the trail on the Thursday before and the reverse occurs on Sunday evening. S'campers are expected to muck-in with this and whatever needs doing during the weekend – many hands make lights work 'n' all that.
