The Waddle & THE Whip
Let's be honest, there is no getting out of it, The Waddle is just a euphemism for Pub Crawl.
There are a few odd occasions in the social calendar where a Waddle is invoked; the Chairman has one between Leander and The Flowerpot after the Henley Lunch and there is often one before a dinner or other formal events; And who can forget "Zee Vaddle", Christoph's classic attempt to recreate a pub crawl after the Rhine Marathon in Dusseldorf where, with typical German efficiency, we stopped at precisely no pubs but did get to the restaurant bang on time!
However, The Waddle is essentially named for the occasion whereby Cygnets dress-up in their penguin suits (Black Tie) and waddle, increasingly unsteadily, around local beer selling establishments in order to oil the cogs of social congress before the Barnes Bridge Ladies Christmas Ball.
Although The Waddle is an event in itself, one must always remember that it is never the main event, especially where the Ladies Ball is concerned. For any Cygnet Gentlemen attending The Waddle, there are rules which should be obeyed on all such occasions...
The Rules of The Waddle:
- You may join The Waddle at any point but it will not wait for you.
- You must join The Whip at whatever stage you arrive on The Waddle.
- Only one glass of your chosen drink to be consumed in each establishment
- No Roadies
- No Inbetweenies
- Absolutely no Sambucas
- Never leave your Whipman
That is all.
The Whip is an amazing phenomenon, whereby once you're in it, everything is free for the rest of the event / evening / weekend. It works like this...
At the start of the event you hand over the contents of your wallet to appointed The Whipman. Thereafter anything that needs paying for is done so by The Whipman, leaving you to enjoy the event without all that faffing about in your back pocket. The Whipman is usually selected, by peer pressure, before the event starts and the post is often held by somebody who has never attended that particular event before. The theory being that, because of their ignorance, they won't stray too far from the pack. The Whip is most often pressed into service during the Rhine Marathon or on The Waddle.
There is only one rule of The Whip:
• Never leave your Whipman