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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

Cygnet Update 14th September

14th September 2015

G'day all,

Tales from the riverbank...

The Get Fit and Row course is well underway, great turn out of likely looking future Cygnets have now had their first four sessions, great to see so many new keen guys and gals at the club on Saturday morning. Thanks for those who are helping Sian with the sessions, I'll pass on requests from her when people are needed for specific sessions. But be prepared to jump in when we need to get experienced rowers in boats when they go on the water for their first outings.

Pairs Head crews were out training at the weekend despite the odd sore head after the end of season dinner on Friday night. Well done to Charlie and Cris on their well earned awards.

This week:

No planned mid week outings but if you do, you must take lights!!!

Weekend is Sculling Camp at our lovely bungalow. If you can make it, please sign up to the poll or let Nick Rae know directly, we could do with a few more seniors to help with the 3 GFAR guys who've signed up. Weather is looking very promising for sculling and socialising. Nick will let you know when boat loading will be taking place.

So not many around to row on the Tideway, if you do plan to row at HQ on Saturday please put that on the availability spreadsheet so we can put crews together.

Next Week:

Tuesday 22nd 7:15 - Start of Circuit Training at Cavendish School with a new coach, Maxi (ex of BBL) new exercises, same opportunity to improve fitness and core strength for the head races. Please put it in your diary and come along and support this important component of Cygnet life and training.

So squad erg night will move to Thursdays from next week.


3rd October - Rhine Marathon

10th October Pairs Head - time to finalise combos and get entries in

24th October - Henley Lunch, stripy blazer time again


We are getting the outboard of our launch repaired and serviced on Saturday, I need someone to ensure Joe can get access to the launch and that the boat shop is open. If you plan to be down at the club on Saturday and keep a look out for him can you let me know please.

And that's all for this week

Have a good one


Author: Jeremy Pugh


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