What is the Cygnet 300 Club?
It's a lottery club. You buy tickets, which then take part in draws for cash prizes. Just under half of the sales proceeds are paid out in prizes (a smidgen better percentage than the National Lottery), and Cygnet RC trousers the rest
How does it work?
It runs on an annual basis (1st April to 31st March). Each ticket costs £10, and is allocated a unique number. All tickets participate equally in a number of prize draws held during the year
What are the prizes and when are the draws?
There are ten (nominally) monthly draws for prizes of £25, £40, £60 and £100, with additional prizes at Christmas (value linked to the number of tickets in issue). The draws are held publicly at club events. Although we call the draws "monthly", in practice we start them when we think everyone has coughed-up for their tickets - so pay up early and we can get on with them! The full rules and current prize formula are available on request.
How do I join?
Fill in an application form (above) or paper copies are available at the boathouse. You will need to pay £10 per ticket up front (cheques payable to Cygnet 300 Club), or fill in and sign the Bankers Order section on the form (£2.50 per ticket payable quarterly). Forms and cheques should be left in the Cygnet 300 Club pigeon-hole at the boathouse, or sent to the 300 Club administrator.
Who supports the Cygnet 300 Club?
Last year, the 300 Club was supported by over 150 individuals, who held 630 tickets between them. Over 90% of active Cygnet members held tickets (averaging 6 each). Over half of the tickets were held by former Cygnet members and the friends and families of members. The 300 Club raised over £3,500 for Cygnet last year.
Most of the money spent on buying Cygnet's boats and other equipment comes from donations and fundraising. This is over and above the basic club subscription; about 40% of the equipment fund is raised by the Cygnet 300 Club.