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Cygnet Rowing Club
on the Tideway since 1890
CSSC Sports and Leisure

Boat Log

The Cygnet fleet Boat Log book should be be used for the logging of all club boat outings and can be found in the changing rooms on the set of drawers by the door.

The Boat Log applies to every class of club boat from 1x to VIII+ and should be used in addition to the Boatshop whiteboard. The daily whiteboard sign in/out board in the boatshop serves a different purpose to the boat log and is crucial for safety reasons. Always sign in and out on the whiteboard.

It is the responsibility of the steers or coxswain to ensure the boat is signed out in the Boat Log before going afloat and for signing back in once the boat has been cleaned, checked and returned to the rack.

Boats checks that should be conducted pre and post-outing can be found here

The purpose of the Boat Log is to allow the Captaincy to monitor club boat usage and for logging any issues and/or damage to any boats for the awareness of other users. It helps to keep track of when boats are in use to assist the maintenance of the fleet and keep the equipment in good working order. Any usage of club boats that is not logged in this way will be considered to be unauthorised usage.

The Log is self-explanatory and records all the information you would expect. It includes a section for recording any issues, incidents or damage to boats that have occurred or been noticed during the outing to flag to other crews of potential issues and problems.

Any damage or safety incidents that occur must also be brought to the attention of the Captaincy and recorded in the appropriate way:

If you are unsure which of the above to use or whether you need to make a report, simply contact any of the Captaincy for guidance. They would much prefer to be notified and be made aware of minor or major issues than to discover them during the next outing or hear about them third-hand.

    It is the responsibility of all boat users to ensure that equipment is well looked after and left in an appropriate clean and usable condition and for any issues to be reported. The steers/cox as the 'master of the boat' takes ultimate responsibility for this, in the same vein as responsibility for the safety and conduct of the boat whilst afloat.

    The captaincy is grateful for the assistance from all club members in following this procedure.

    Whilst the requirement to sign out using the Boat Log is mandatory for the usage of all club boats, this requirement does not apply to privately owned sculling boats However, voluntary usage of the Boat Log is welcomed and encouraged, particularly for flagging any issues that happen on the river for the benefit of others.